Monday, August 29, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Coming Soon

SO I haven't posted anything in a while. Working FT and being crazy sick with this pregnancy sort of got in the way, but I am going to have baby Gavin soon and I will try to be more on top of my blog. My best husband ever got me a super sweet laptop. I think I will be much better about posting now. So stay tuned....there are probably going to be many many pics and posts coming soon!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

19 Weeks

So it has been a little while since the last time I posted. Not a whole lot has changed, I am still a sleepy lady and getting sick randomly. I am excited that I am most likely halfway to meeting my baby for the first time. I am looking forward to the ultrasound we have scheduled at the doctor's office on April 11th. I has been a little while since we've seen our little boy and I am starting to get antsy. we will also have our final 3D session sometime after 25 weeks, I am not sure when the best time would be, but I will keep everyone posted. We had a routine OB appointment this week and everything is progressing normally. I was just happy to hear the heartbeat again. I started to feel the baby tickling me a couple of weeks ago, and now I actually feel pretty solid little bumps and nudges during the day. This is making me feel much better about what is going on. At least when I can feel him moving around I know he is doing fine in there. I can't wait for Brent to be able to feel him moving, he is pretty jealous right now. I think maybe in another 3-4 weeks he should be able to feel some good kicks. It is funny how emotional being pregnant can make you. I am generally not very emotional, so it is very strange to have such little control over how I am feeling. Earlier this week, I totally mixed up the date of my cardiologist appointment. I was convinced they told me it was Thursday, so I went in and found out it was actually scheduled for the day before. I was ok at this point but then they said the doctor isn't in on Thursdays and I had to wait another week to see him. I lost it, and had a complete meltdown. I was sitting there in this poor girl's office crying. I tried to explain that I was not crazy but that I had been sick, currently had a fever, was really nervous about the appointment and was pregnant. Then she said oh don't worry I cried the whole time I was pregnant. It did actually make me feel a little better. Next week I will see my doc to find out what is happening and what we can do about it. A couple of weeks ago Brent's parent's threw us a wonderful party to celebrate our marriage. It was really nice to see everyone. Brent and I are very grateful to have such an awesome family and wonderful friends. I was so glad that my little sister and her kidlets were able to come all the way from Missouri. We don't get to see them much, so it was really nice. Hopefully, soon I will be able to get cracking on the nursery. Once I make actual progress I will post some pictures.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Brent and I went out to brunch today and decided to stop by Target and check out the current baby boy trends. We each picked out some clothes.

Dad's Pick

Mom's Pick
I think they are pretty awesome. Now, we're off to work on clearing out our spare bedroom! Some time soon we will be transforming it into the nursery.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Best ER Ever

So our litte baby boy ninja has not been very kind to his mama for the last several weeks. I've been to the hospital 4 times, 3 for dehydration and once for high blood pressure. Yesterday, I spent another day in the hospital being poked and tested for many things. Turns out I was super dehdydrated to the point my potassium was low and I had started to burn my body's cells for energy.

We went to the Diley Ridge Medical Center's ER, and it was amazing. All of the staff was extremely nice and comforting. The best part, there was hardly any waiting. I was in the lobby for about 15 minutes before I went into triage, and then that nurse took me directly to a room. The doctor came in and talked to me for a bit. Then, about 5 minutes later, our nurse (who is one of the best I've ever had take care of me) was in there getting me set up for IV fluids. Even the registration person asked if she could do anything for me, and brought me a warm blanket. A different nurse came in to listen to the baby's heartbeat and she let me listen too. It was a relief to hear that the baby was fine despite all of the stress my body was under. They also made sure I could keep fluids in my stomach before discharging me (this was never tested at MCE). We ended up beng there for about 4 hours total even though they ran labs at the beginning and the end. My nurse also gave me a bunch of little sacks just in case I have any more surprise attacks of nausea. He said his wife had the same problems with their all of kids and he knew how we felt.

I am not sure how the ER's anywhere else work, but in Central Ohio they never move that quickly. The last time I went to Mt/ Carmel East for the same exact issue, we sat in the waiting room for about 30 minutes then went through triage then another 2.5 hours before we were put in a room. Then, it was a good 20 minutes until a doctor came in to talk to us and another 15-20 minutes until I had and IV. If I had a test of any kind done that usually adds at least another hour per test on to the stay. I think the last time I went to the MCE ER, I spent about 6.5-7 hours total in the hospital.

I highly recommend the Diley Ridge Medical Center to anyone that needs emergency care, and actually wants to be taken care of quickly. On the down side, they don't have any OB doctors. That means once I get to 16 weeks I will have to go to MCE, so I can be seen by the Labor & Delivery unit as well as the ER.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

14 Week Photo Shoot

Here are the 2D images:

They measured me as 14 weeks and 3 days.

Here are the 3D images:

Now we will have about a 6 week wait until we have out next ultrasound visit.

It's a BOY!

So last night we found out our baby ninja is a boy. He tried his hardest to hide from the ultrasound tech. He spent most of the time facing my back which made it hard for them to tell what was going on in there. Eventually, she caught him in just the right position and wrote in all caps with an arrow BOY!

It was pretty amazing to have such a long ultrasound session. He was dancing all over the place and waving his tiny hands when they weren't in his mouth. He even started playing with his umbilical cord.

The appointment ran late, I was starving and not feeling well yesterday so I didn't get to post anything. I pretty much ate a tiny bit and then crashed as soon as I got home. I will post the new pictures tonight. Now it is time to shop and think of some good baby names.
Thank you to my parents, January, Celeste, Lizbon, Esther, Orion, Ada and the best husband ever for being there to see our baby. It was really amazing to watch and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.